Voyager Cubs - Greenhithe

  1. About Us

  2. Our Leaders

  3. Subs

  4. Knots

  5. Recycle!

We meet every Tuesday night during the school term time at Greenhithe Community Centre, Alexandra Road at 6.45pm to start at 7pm and finish at 8.30pm.

We have a fun and well balanced program which aims for the cubs to achieve the silver award which is highest award in cubs.

We also prepare the cubs to move onto Sea Scouts with the opportunity to try some water activities.

For membership enquiries please contact Steve on 07966 274393 or

  • Kieran - Cub Leader
  • Josh - Cub Leader
  • Katie - Helper
  • 3 new Explorer Young Leaders coming soon

Subs are £15 a month payable by direct debit. You can sign up to pay Subs by direct debit using this link (if asked for a reference please enter your childs name):

Here are some sheets to help with your knots:

Recycling Worksheet

The cubs have been given a sheet to complete for their World Challenge.

Royal Naval Recognised Sea Scout Group No. 81  |  Registered Charities No. 1023312
Group Scout Leader – Steve Newton  |  President – Roger F Rowe