Dartford Cambria Sea Scouts

Welcome to the Dartford Cambria Sea Scout Group. There are lots of Dartford Scout groups but we are the only Sea Scouts, we are also one of just 103 Royal Navy Recognised Sea Scout Groups in the country.

RYA PB2 Training Courses

We run one or two trianing courses each year as a fundraiser so anyone intersted in gaining the RYA PB2 qualification, learning to drive our powerboats and having a great fun weekend on the water please contact us for dates and prices. We need 6-12 people for the courses to go ahead so if you have a group then let us know and we can run a course specifically for you.

About Us

Cambria Sea Scouts have Beaver, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer sections and we meet in the Greenhithe and Temple Hill areas of Dartford in Kent. We provide adventurous activities for boys and girls from age 6 to 18 and we try to give all our members plenty of chances to get onto the water. We are a RYA Training Centre for Power Boating and Sailing so we also offer our Scouts and Explorers nationally recognised qualifications as well as experience and skills.

Have a look at the section pages to see what our members get up to. All the pictures on the website are updated regularly.

Our activities include:

Camping * Sailing * Making Friends * Climbing * Kayaking * Zorbing * RYA Qualifications * Hiking * Adventure * Cooking * Prussiking * Archery * Playing Games * Expeditions * Craft * Rafting * Having Fun

Join Us

For membership enquiries please contact Steve on 07966 274393 or CambriaSeaScouts@gmail.com.

Royal Naval Recognised Sea Scout Group No. 81  |  Registered Charities No. 1023312
Group Scout Leader – Steve Newton  |  President – Roger F Rowe